February 17, 2019

As we speak, there are at least half a dozen things I should be doing, that I'm not. And it's a crazy thing. I find that I hate to feel the obligation of needing to get certain things done, but then I also hate when I feel like I'm wandering around wasting time, when I could be getting important things done!

Something I'm definitely procrastinating on is scheduling the appointment with our accountant for taxes, but then I'm not doing that until I also finish procrastinating on getting the paperwork and figures together that I need to bring with us when we go! 

I think back to when I was much younger. I truly had not a care in the world. At least not by today's standards! Yet, I just could NOT WAIT to become an adult. 

Now, I'm an adult and I find myself begging my husband to help us find a way to go back in time and be young again... Ha, ha! Why does life have to play such a cruel trick?

I clearly remember my folks telling my siblings and I to enjoy our youth, but I also distinctly remember thinking that they just didn't understand.

Now, I clearly hear myself telling my young adult children to enjoy their youth. But obviously they're listening about as well as I did when I was their age. 

So this is what I've decided to do ~ 

1. Stop procrastinating. So help me God.
2. Enjoy my youth. My parents WISH they could be as "young" as me.
3. Simplify my life. Do what is necessary and forget about the rest.
4. Deliberately take the time to smell the roses. As Socrates once said, "Beware of the barrenness of a busy life."
5. Get rid of any baggage whether tangible or intangible. I mean, seriously, who needs it?

I know full well that every bit of this advice is for my own good. I sure do hope that I learn to get the hang of it sooner rather than later. Honest to goodness, I'm running out of time!

~ ♥ ~


  1. I have never heard that quote before, but it's very true. I feel like life is passing me by, so that's one of the reasons I'm trying a new thing every week this year. Hope you have a blessed week.

  2. I just recently came upon that quote myself, Bijoux! It certainly causes one to ponder the things that keep us occupied, and if some of them are worth all the time and effort we put into them. I like that your “new thing every week” challenge encourages inspiration and creativity. Wishing you a blessed week as well! P.S. I’ve actually stayed on task today and started some of my paperwork. Woo hoo!

  3. I think it’s excellent advice. It’s easy to become so busy that the days and even years just fly by and before you know it time has passed —and you’ve barely even noticed the present day. I struggle with that as well! I think creating an awareness and intentional desire to be present and enjoy the now is a great first step. :-)

  4. I struggle with procrastination as well! Oftentimes I think conditions have to be "perfect" in order to proceed with a task or project...and of course they never are. I am trying to get better about this! Like you, I also find days and months (years, even?) go by without paying enough attention to the present. Have you read the book called "The Present"? It speaks to this very issue that so many of us struggle with! You are not alone!

  5. I realize I commented twice on this post! :) It definitely speaks to me...haha! Or else I'm losing my mind, which is entirely possible LOL

  6. Janet ~ lol ~ Yes, I guess it speaks to A LOT of us..... repeatedly!! I’ve not heard of the book you mentioned, but do believe it will be worth my while to check into. Thanks for the recommendation! Since our move into a new home, I am pleasantly surprised that decluttering to downsize also gives the added benefit of less responsibility, which, of course, is less stressful. I’m actually enjoying having a lot less to keep up with! :) Take care, my friend!!

  7. Stopping by to see how you are doing?


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