February 8, 2018 ~ Getting Back On My Feet

Right about now, the belief that we're anywhere remotely close to Spring, feels about like wishing for a miracle! We've had so many frigid, gray, snow-filled days it almost seems impossible, but it certainly is true. And news of the groundhog having seen his shadow.... well.....shush! We don't talk about things like that here in our house ~ Lol!!
Besides, it wasn't even sunny when Mr. Groundhog poked his head out. Now I ask you, how could he have possibly seen his shadow? According to my calendar, Spring is approximately 6 weeks away, and that's the hope I'm clinging to these days. Yes, I'm believing in miracles! ☺ How about you? If you're lucky enough to live in an area that's already experiencing some beginnings of Spring, oh, I'm so very happy for you!! Soak up some of that gorgeous sunshine for me, would you? 
 Fortunately, with such inclement weather outdoors, I've been making the most of my time indoors. Shortly after the New Year, I began going through just about every cupboard, closet and drawer in the house, to bring some semblance of order that has been much needed, but neglected while enjoying the previously beautiful days of seasons gone by.
Have you been lucky enough to escape a cold or the flu this year so far? I think I've had a mix of both in whatever has been ailing me this last week and half. Suffice it to say, after a good few days in bed getting plenty of rest, taking long, hot showers, eating comforting meals and soaking in the deep warmth of our wonderful wood stove, I'm on the mend and ready to tackle things around here. Now, it's my turn to nurture Dean back to health.... Yup, he got it, too. :/
My thoughts on the whole matter are this: you just don't want to get sick in the first place. Because once you do, there's really very little you can do to prevent it from taking hold and doing what it's going to do. That's just my take from our own experiences in dealing with this stuff. From the very tiniest, slightest symptom I felt right at the start, I took a very proactive stance with fighting this thing off. I really wasn't too worried as we've been eating super healthy and taking great care of ourselves for these last nearly 6 months with a new whole foods approach that has left us feeling absolutely, amazingly better in so many ways! (From weight loss, to more energy, to less bloating, to beautiful skin, to lower blood sugar levels.... the list goes on!) But, alas, aside from the days spent in bed getting every bit of rest that my body needed, none of the cold medicines, extra vitamin C, or even the hot showers making me "sweat it out" seem to have helped. However, something very basic and rudimentary did - drinking lots and lots of fluids! Now isn't that something we always hear when we're sick? "Drink lots of fluids, Dear!" Not only did it help my body flush out the toxins of this illness, it kept the chest and head congestion to such a minimum that I was truly pleasantly surprised. And that's my advice, should you, unfortunately, find yourself sick.... 
In the future, I think I'm going to be looking into foods and herbal supplements that boost the immune system to be specifically super strong in order that I may not even get sick in the first place! 
In the meantime friends, here's to hopes of sunnier days, warmer weather and beautiful hints of Spring as each day passes by. ☺ 
~ ♥ ~


  1. Kinberly, I am so sorry that you and Dean have been ill. But, very happy that you are on the mend. I love your photos of the birds, so pretty. I am proud of you making progress with the "bringing semblance of order" to your home. I hope I can get into the same mindset to do that here. Maybe after a few more things settle down. Take Special Care Dear One.

    1. Thanks so much, Mary! I think you've been doing a fabulous job of taking care of things at your home, like securing those new straps that were needed on your water heater! If I were you, I'd be proud of myself for completing that awesome feat, too!! Good for you!!

  2. Rats...I'm so sorry you got the crud! But happy you are better now. The flu is nothing to mess around with! Here in Iowa sadly nearly 80 people have died from it this year. :( Good for you guys changing your diet and lifestyle to healthier options! I do think it makes a difference. I swear by echinacea tablets in the winter, although science hasn't proven that they help, to boost the immune system. Here's hoping spring comes SOON! :)

    1. Janet, Dean has been much more concerned about the fatalities with the flu this year than he has in a long time! It certainly is something to take seriously.... Do you take Echinacea capsules, or is there a special tablet supplement that's available? I'd love to get more information on this from you! I'm certainly willing to give them a try. My sister also told me that Astragalus capsules can be taken to boost the immune system. She suggested Oregon's Wild Harvest brand.


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