Beauty In The Conservatory

Browsing through some digital photos, I came upon those from a past visit to the conservatory. I remember vividly the day we had gone - it was quite chilly in spite of the fact that Spring blossoms were on many of the trees. But once we stepped inside the doors of the conservatory, the warm, earthy scent with a hint of the fragrance of flowers hit me. 

My heart skipped a beat, and a certain happiness welled up inside of me. Ah, yes! I could have happily pulled up a comfortable chair and found a lovely spot to sit for hours, never tiring of the beauty that surrounded us. And while I know I've shared some of these photos here with you before, I thought the beauty of that day was worth sharing again ~ Especially since Mr. Groundhog saw his shadow, so we're in for at least another 6 weeks of winter!




Hurry, Spring, Hurry!

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