One thing I've recently gotten myself reacquainted with are frozen bread dough loaves. A couple of weeks ago I bought the Rhodes brand at my local grocery store. I paid $4 for the package.
At 5 loaves for $4, how could you possibly go wrong?!
Growing up, my mother would also use the bread dough to make our pizza. I've even used it to make cinnamon rolls a time or two before. The directions for preparation couldn't be simpler!
Last week during one of our especially cold and windy days, I wanted nothing more than to smell the delicious, comforting aroma of fresh bread baking in the oven. So, I pulled a loaf out of the freezer in the morning, let it thaw and rise, and popped it into the oven at 350 degrees. In about 20 minutes I was rewarded with the most amazingly tasty, soft, fresh loaf of bread!
Mmmm, Mmmm, Good! This bread was still slightly warm from the oven....The butter just melted right onto it. |
If you haven't tried frozen bread dough loaves before, or you're like me and haven't thought to use them in a while, grab a bag next time you're out shopping. You won't be disappointed!
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