Last week, we celebrated my daughter's birthday. The tiny, precious baby I once knew is now a lovely young woman. Where in the world did the years go? Some days I wish there was a replay button.... Some days memories of her childhood tumble around in my mind.... Some days I look at her and see a resemblance to that little girl she once was.
Lately, I have moments of pride as I reflect on the challenges she is taking on, the responsibility she is learning and the accomplishments she has achieved. I'm proud for her courage, inquisitiveness, happy exploration and growing maturity. I think it takes a certain amount of bravery to come to the realization that you are no longer a child. For the last year, her steps have slowly, gradually been leading her to the beginning of adulthood. The long awaited, so anticipated milestone that every young person longs for! I remember clearly that time in my own life.
I look on with tears in my eyes, a lump in my throat and happiness in my heart for all that lies ahead of her.....I'm excited, I'm hopeful, and sometimes, yes, I am anxious for her. I want for her what every parent surely wants for their child - love, happiness, safety, blessings, security, prosperity and a deep seated sense of well-being. I want what I know sometimes life does not always give. But I do know that every step of the way, no matter where she may be, no matter what the journey of life holds for her, I will be there.....I will always be there for her because that's just the way it is for this one mother's love.
A popular saying comes to mind, and this, my darling girl, is what I wish for you ~
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and....
may God hold you {always} in the palm of His hand.
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