When It Rains.....

......it pours! And it's been doing that a lot lately.

This picture of Romeo says it all.....He's a sad boy when it rains because there's no one outside and nothing going on, so what is there to bark at?? I, personally, love rainy days for this very reason!

When you can actually SEE the rain in pictures, you know it's coming down in buckets!

The concrete patio was literally a stage for thousands of dancing raindrops.

The only good thing about lots of rain is that it does the watering for me, and my gardens grow bushy and beautiful!

The bird feeder, which is normally overflowing with Sparrows, is left abandoned in spite of its roof for shelter.

Without any birds, Melissa just stares out the window. Notice the slight droop in her ears....Lol. No birds =  no exciting cat T.V. for this let down girl!

No need for bathing today, for which the Petunia's seem to be sadly agreeing.

Not even the determined, predictable Hummingbirds showed up!

Just the determined, pelting rain coming from the northwest, sounding like BB's hitting the window!

And who seems to be nonplussed by all these goings on?

Why Mr. Checkers, of course! I have no idea what he was thinking here, except that he may have been rubbing his paws together in anticipation of lunch. Food is about the only thing that motivates this old boy! Ha ha ha!

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