Saturdays are good days for a brunch. After the long week of early mornings, it's nice to have a day to just sleep in with no alarms!! Most Saturdays, this is what we do, and today was no exception. So when we all finally head down to the kitchen, we're pretty hungry! I like to make a meal that fills us up, and gives us time to spend together as a family around the table. Thus, my corned beef, eggs and carbonara choice for today's brunch!
However, lest you should think I spent lots of time in the meal preparation, the corned beef was left over from dinner 2 nights ago, and the carbonara was left over from lunch the other day. (You can find my recipe for making delicious carbonara here.) I cooked 2 batches of what you see in the fry pan. All in all, it was a super tasty, super quick meal that fit the bill perfectly!
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