Daily "To Do" List

For a couple of years now, I've used a simple, pretty notebook to keep myself moving from day to day. At the start of each morning, I date the page, then list what I'd like to accomplish with a check box.  Call me crazy, but I like to see the results of my labor at the end of the day, and a check in the box makes me feel happy! I keep my goals realistic and practical, but if for some reason there's anything I was unable to complete that day, I carry it over to the next page on the following morning.

Depending on the size and type of notebook I have, I put a column either on the side, or at the bottom of the page for listing things I will need to pick up at the store the next time I'm out. Then, before I head out, I compile all the listed items for that week on a separate piece of paper to take with me. These can be anything from household items to pet stuff to groceries.

I've really had such positive results in getting things done, and compiling my shopping list(s) by using a method like this! Often, it's not a matter of not wanting to do something, it's just a matter of getting sidetracked, so having things written down helps me to stay focused. ☺

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