A Family Of Finches

Since I have such a fondness for birds, winter sure can be long and lonely without the sound of their sweet songs and chirps drifting in through my open windows. This past year, I found a solution to that problem by purchasing a few Society Finches, which are very enjoyable birds to have! We started with two females, one of which is a Spice Finch, and two males. They paired off fairly quickly, and one raised a brood that added two more males to the mix. (See my post http://simplymekimberlymarie.blogspot.com/2013/04/the-animal-children.html ) The males have such a beautiful song, and sing quite regularly from morning light until dusk. They're such dainty but delightful little music boxes, and I've really been enjoying them immensely!

Along the back from left to right we have one of the children, Chickadee, his mom, Bella, and dad, Buck, is peeking into the picture. Perched on the bin is Gingersnap, and below her the other bird with dark brown is Francesco. Near the lower right corner, and looking away is the other little fella, Shaggy. He and his mom, Bella, are our only crested ones. When very young, Shaggy was the least shy, and actually perched on my daughter's hand many times to be pet and fed. He's since become a bit more wary, but is still the least skittish of them all. Each one of the birds has their own unique personality, and purchasing them has been one thing I've yet to regret!

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