Song Of The Cicada

It's that time of summer when the male Cicadas have begun what is technically known as their "love song" from the sunny branches near the tops of trees. This is one of a few interesting facts about the Cicada I'm surprised I don't ever recall having learned until just recently! And while from my childhood the sound of Cicadas was always bittersweet - so soothing to my ears, yet coming near the end of a summer I hated to see go - for the Cicada it's the beginning of only something wonderful; the courtship of a female who finds him attractive. 

Apparently this is not a face that only a mother could love!

The female will respond to her handsome male's call by doing a maneuver called the "wing-flick". When the male sees and hears her wing flicks, he replies again with a song making a lovely, ongoing exchange between the two. Now honestly, how many of you actually knew this as the reason behind that sound from the Cicadas? I feel like a kid who has just learned something new and thinks nobody else has ever known it before me! Ha, ha! But yes, I'm sure there are some of you that have. ☺

Here's a cute kids coloring page I found that shares some other interesting facts about the 
Cicada that you truly may not have known.


I could sit under a tree and listen to the chorus of Cicadas for hours. There's just something about it that's peaceful to me.

~ ♥ ~

But what about you ~ do you find the sound of Cicadas enjoyable or just plain annoying? (I must admit, I've never heard them loud enough to drown out the sound of a lawn mower, though!)

Share your thoughts here!

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