A Day Of Picture Texting

Well, with so much going on, I haven't had much computer time at all. But here's some pictures that I've taken and received on the cellphone that gives you a little glimpse of what's been going on today!

While at Walmart, I spotted these great popsicle makers. I remember my mother making these frequently when I was a child. For my own kids, I loved to add fruit in with juice, bananas in with vanilla yogurt, or even just chocolate pudding to make my own version of a fudgesicle.

Dean sent me this picture while out with Becca doing driving lessons in a nearby town. I love how he always lets me know cares and that he's thinking about me!

 Becca sent me this one while on her driving excursion with Dean. They pulled off along the road to enjoy this little carnival for just a bit. She loves to go on the rides and try to win some prizes!

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